The website of  AnaSpanish provides access to content on the Internet to which the user, in general, can have free access. Users who agree to visit said website do not provide any personal information or are obliged to provide it.
On the laws of Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal data that you provide us in completing any form on the website https://anaspanish.com/, the contact, or the sending of an email to any of our mailboxes they will be part of the private archives of AnaSpanish.

For the purposes of the provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data, Anaspanish informs you that it fully complies with current legislation on the protection of personal data, and with the confidentiality commitments of its activity . The aforementioned files are hidden from any commercial agent other than AnaSpanish

These files will be treated adopting the appropriate security levels in accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, keeping the appropriate technical and organizational security measures to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, in compliance with their obligation of secrecy, which guarantee their confidentiality.


The data of registered users through the forms enabled for this purpose on the website https://anaspanish.com/ will be treated with the utmost confidentiality for their administrative management, to respond to them, as well as, for the management commercial that links us, your commercial analysis and / or the sending via email of the Plans, offers and discounts that you make AnaSpanish.

Acceptance of these conditions implies the provision of your express consent for AnaSpanish to send you advertising or promotional communications by email or other equivalent means of communication, under the terms established by Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. In the event that you are not interested in receiving this type of communication, you can express your wish to the email anaspanish0705@gmail.com.

At the time of data collection, the user will be duly informed of their rights. So that the information contained in our files is always up-to-date and does not contain errors, we ask our clients and users to notify us, as soon as possible, of the modifications and rectifications of their personal data. The data collected is adequate, pertinent and not excessive in relation to the scope, purposes and specific, explicit and legitimate services of AnaSpanish.

AnaSpanish is not responsible for the misuse of passwords that you can carry out as a user. It is the responsibility of the user to duly safeguard the keys and passwords that are provided for user access, preventing improper use or access by third parties.


At any time the user will have the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to all their personal data. These rights can be made effective by written request to the email anaspanish0705@gmail.com. We inform that, without prejudice to what is stated here, some information may be kept in a blocked way by AnaSpanish. for the fulfillment of its legal obligations, such as contractual responsibilities or fiscal and tributary obligations.

The user will respond, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity of the data provided, reserving AnaSpanish the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to other actions that proceed in law. Regarding that information that is sent by minors under 16 years of age, it will be an essential requirement that the sender has previously obtained the consent of the father, the guardian or the legal representative so that the personal data can be subject to automated processing.


AnaSpanish may use cookies, small data files that are stored in the user’s system, which allow the user to personalize and facilitate the navigation of the website, and which are associated with an anonymous user without personal data being deduced from it. Cookies are used in order to improve the service provided, but they do not store any type of personal information related to users.


AnaSpanish may also register your IP addresses to diagnose any problem with our server, to administer our website and to analyze user trends in general through statistical monitoring.

The User can prevent the generation of cookies on his computer by activating the corresponding option in his browser. This deactivation of cookies does not prevent the user from accessing the contents of the website. However, if you select this setting, you may not be able to access certain parts of the Website or you may not be able to take advantage of any of our services.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (Google). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files located on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and filed by Google on servers in the United States.

Google will use this information on our behalf in order to keep track of your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services related to website activity and Internet use. Google may transmit said information to third parties when required by law, or when said third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can reject the treatment of data or information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate configuration of your browser, however, you should know that if you do so, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of information about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes indicated above.



The terms expressed in this contract constitute the conditions of use and privacy for all the services provided today and those added in the future by AnaSpanish on its website https://anaspanish.com. The user accepts, at the moment of starting to use the service, to respect all the conditions imposed by this contract.


The user of this site accepts by simple cause of acquiring products and / or services of AnaSpanish the provisions of this contract and its Terms and Conditions, subject to change without prior notice by AnaSpanish. If the user represents an organization, it is understood that the organization agrees to abide by this contract and that it has the powers to act on its behalf and therefore bind it in front of AnaSpanish and accept the obligations established in this contract. . The user who does not agree with this, will not be able to use the products and / or services provided by Aprende español con Ana.


According to the law of Colombia, the user who accepts this agreement of terms and conditions, must be legally able to enter into a contract as allowed by his autonomy of will and the laws that are applicable to him. Then, whoever wants to enter into this contract should refer to the general theory of contract signing of the law that applies in their country.

AnaSpanish assumes that the user who accepts this agreement of terms and conditions knows in advance whether or not he is able to enter into contracts on behalf of the person who is determined as User. Those who are considered absolutely or relative or partial incapacitated must have authorization from their legal representatives to enter into this contract, and the latter will be considered responsible for any conduct of their attorneys.


AnaSpanish provides an online teaching service of the Spanish language, which is taught through videoconferencing platforms in a personalized way. Users who access this service must register an account and provide the information requested in the forms that are enabled when registering an account. AnaSpanish understands that any information entered in these forms is done under oath and therefore exonerates AnaSpanish from having false information about any user.

AnaSpanish allows the entry of a limited amount of reservations according to the plan that each account holder or user has chosen at the time of registering their account and acquiring the service. Anaspanish does not allow, under any circumstances, that these users are different from those that the account holder has decided to enable as such for the use of the platform and these may not be replaced by other people who know the credentials to enter. to the platform. If a situation like this occurs, AnaSpanish is not responsible for the harmful use of the account information against the owner of the account or against the user or against third parties.


AnaSpanish provides the service of personalized Spanish language classes through the Zoom platform, AnapSanish has provided users with different class packages whose detailed description can be found at https://aprendespanolconjavi.com/classes. The copyright on the classes taught will be owned by AnaSpanish and under no interpretation of these terms of service will they be understood to be transferred to the user. Likewise, under no circumstances is the use of recording software authorized during the classes taught by AnaSpanish.

The AnaSpanish service starts when you register an account on the AnaSpanish website, after having accepted the conditions expressed in this contract and having canceled the entire plan purchased. Once this process has been carried out, the user will be able to find at his disposal a calendar in which he can make the respective reservations of the contracted plan. The user may make a single change in reservations forty-eight hours in advance. If the user misses his scheduled class without prior notice, the class will be scheduled and will be deducted from the plan purchased by the user.

All the services contracted with AnaSpanish will have a maximum validity of 360 calendar days from the moment of purchase of the plan and billing. Once this time has elapsed, its validity will expire and the user will lose the classes that he has not taken in this period.

The user becomes aware of the services for which he is paying when using any of the plans offered by AnaSpanish. AnaSpanish will not be responsible in any case for errors made by the user when choosing their plan, as well as when typing or entering their contact information and with which they can later access the services.

AnaSpanish guarantees the User free access to the website https://anaspanish.com/ to see the information available there, and availability of contact in the different communication channels on the contact page. However, the user accepts that there are technical circumstances by which this information may become temporarily inaccessible and therefore exonerates AnaSpanish from any type of responsibility for this fact, under the understanding that this may be due to limitations inherent to the state of technology today.

Under no circumstances will there be refunds of payment for the services and products purchased with AnaSpanish.


AnaSpanish always guarantees punctuality and compliance with reservations made by the user, providing professionalism and knowledge in each session taught. AnaSpanish will carry out the steps that, in its opinion, are conducive, so that the application is available to the user, but it does not guarantee the above, since there may be events such as damage to communications, acts of third parties, maintenance or restructuring of the application, among others, that are beyond the control and responsibility of AnaSpanish. Notwithstanding the foregoing, AnaSpanish guarantees users that classes will be taught under normal circumstances, as announced, from anywhere in the world that allows an internet connection, as long as the user remembers their account credentials and the conditions of provision of the Internet connection service by each provider, allow it. Likewise, AnaSpanish does not guarantee any type of scope in terms of knowledge in the Spanish language, nor will it in any way certify users in the use of the Spanish language.

In such a way that if it cannot be accessed due to the type of connection or the poor service of the aforementioned provider, this does not at any time imply a breach of the service provided by AnaSpanish.

Regarding the maintenance and restructuring of the reservation calendar, AnaSpanish reserves the right to carry out the necessary steps, without prior notice to users, but will endeavor to provide them with a notice as far in advance as it deems possible. convenient or prudent to avoid inconveniences or possible damages in the provision of the service.

Under no circumstances will there be refunds of payment for the services and products purchased with AnaSpanish.


AnaSpanish may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend user access to the service without prior notice and liability for any reason, even if, at the discretion of AnaSpanish, the user violates any provision of these Terms or any law or Applicable regulation, likewise, when it is considered that the user has incurred in breaches of morals and ethics. The user can discontinue use and request to cancel their account and / or any service at any time.

Notwithstanding the contrary in the foregoing, with respect to the contracted services, said services will be suspended only at the expiration of the corresponding period for which the user has already made the payment. Under no circumstances will there be refunds of payment for the services and products contracted with AnaSpanish.


The user will be able to choose the plan when making the payment. Once the payment is made, the user will have thirty days to make their learning plan effective in the Spanish language.

AnaSpanish assumes that the information of the credit card and / or account in the PayPal payment gateway entered to contract a service with AnaSpanish, is known by the account holder, therefore it is not done responsible for the inappropriate use of credit cards and / or PayPal accounts at the time they are used to contract a service, understood as irresponsible use, the falsification and impersonation of the identity of the account holder.

AnaSpanish, therefore, he refrains from carrying out all kinds of acts tending to carry out the verification of the User’s personal data to confront them with those registered in his credit card and / or PayPal account, since assumes that whoever provides them is its own owner and therefore knows data to which no one has access, in addition to not having databases with which to confront such information.

However, the user authorizes AnaSpanish to carry out any verification or consultation of their data in any database, information and risk centers and any other source of information that provides history on the way in which meets its financial and credit commitments, both nationally and internationally.

The user affirms under the gravity of oath, that he is not included in the Clinton List and that his income is not related to any type of acts of those that Colombian and international legislation determine for money laundering, drug trafficking, terrorism or any other crime and that they are acquired in a lawful manner.

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